пятница, 5 декабря 2014 г.

Manco .NET Licensing System version 9.0 announcement - Part 1

Currently we are working on the version 9.0 of the Manco .NET Licensing System. While it is not available publicly I'm going to write a few articles about new features we are planning for this version.

First of all, since version 9.0 we stop supporting .NET Framework 3.5 in the protection library. But you still be able to use new License Manager to generate licenses for applications which use old protection library.

We've made several changes in the protection library which speed the up the license validation process. Version of the protection library for .NET Framework 4.5 now supports the asynchronous license file loading. So you can write something like that:

public MainForm()
   // Instantiate license object
   this.license = new License(this);           
private async void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
{   // First of all we should load license file
   await this.license.LoadAsync();


In the version 9.0 we redesign the UI of the License Manager completely. In the world of tablets and smartphones many our customers moved a customers and sales management to the devices with small screen resolution. Using of the current version of the License Manager on those devices is inconvenient because it has a high density of the information in views. So we decides to redesign UI of the License Manager to make it more tablet-friendly. It doesn't use tree view model anymore, but tile view instead. Here are few screenshots of the main window (you will get more in the upcoming messages):