среда, 1 июля 2015 г.

Version 9.0 of the Manco .NET Licensing System has been released

Manco .NET Licensing System version 9.0 is available now. You can get 15-days trial version at the http://www.mancosoftware.com/licensing/download.htm

List of the most significant changes made in the new version:

  1. The License Manager was redesigned from scratch. New UI is friendlier to the devices with small screen resolution (tablets, netbooks and so on).
  2. List of the columns in the sales data grid is configurable now. You can choose which license rules and/or custom values should be show. Every license type can have own sales data grid configuration.
  3. Added dialog for configuring the edit control for license rule value and custom license value.
  4. The conditions set for customer search are applied now to the list of the sales as well. For example, if you search customer using Unlock Key and customer has several sale records with different keys then you will see the record which correspond to the entered Unlock Key only.
  5. e-Mail XSLT now is stored in the database (complete XSLT, not a file path). It makes possible using of the same transformation in both License Manager and Activation Web Service.
  6. The License Shop was redesigned from scratch.
  7. The Data Service was redesigned from scratch.
  8. New UI for the Protected Storage Cleaner.
  9. New UI for the Floating License Service Admin tool.
  10. Protection libraries for the .NET Framework 4.5 and for Windows Store applications were redesigned to allow asynchronous loading of the license file.
  11. Fixed few minor problems in the protection library.

воскресенье, 1 февраля 2015 г.

Manco .NET Licensing System version 9.0 announcement - Part 2

Today I continue announcing the new features of the upcoming version 9.0 of the Manco .NET Licensing System.

Some our clients say that it is hard to use sales list view on the low-resolution tablet devices. The important license rules can be out of the viewport and require scrolling to see their values. In the version 9.0 we decided to not show purchase details in the sales list view. So currently it looks like the following:


You can ask me how to see values of the license rules now. It is very easy and much more useful than in the previous version. You can completely reconfigure what columns are shown in the sales grid view. Expand toolbar of the sales view to show all options available:

Select “Edit config”. The “Edit grid view configuration” dialog appears. Here you can select which columns are visible:

You can select properties of the sale record (like “Income” or “Allowed”), values of the license rules, and custom values. For example, for the standard “Unlock Key” licensing schema you can choose to show just few properties of the sale record and value of the “Unlock Key” license rule:

If you need copy value of the license rule or custom value to the clipboard then simple right-click correspondent sale record and select “Copy” from the context menu: