пятница, 10 декабря 2010 г.

How to debug custom "User Data" edit control.

Sometimes user data or product edition are included to the Unlock Key has complex format. For example, user data can contain specification of the product edition and number of the concurrent sessions allowed for ASP.NET application. In this case using of the simple text box becomes a quite problematic for sales persons. They should remember format of the user data and enter something like “PE043” every time when customer buy Professional Edition with 43 concurrent sessions allowed.

License Manager allows you creation and using of the custom controls to simplify editing of the complex user data. The process of creation of the custom edit control is described in our product documentation. Mostly those controls are quite simple and work without any problems. But sometimes it is necessary to debug functionality of the custom edit control. You can do it using Visual Studio.

Open your solution in the VS2010. Then run License Manager with your control in use. In the VS2010 main menu go to the Debug->Attach to Process:

In the “Attach to Process” dialog select “Manco.Licensing.LicenseManager” process and click “Attach” button:

After that you will be able to debug your control.

Don’t forget to replace DLL near the License Manager every time you change something in your control.

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